This is to Prime Minister John Key from Don Brash, read the part about ETS…(NOTE: Loaded the whole letter for context reasons, to show John Key speaks with forked tongue !)
John Key and Nick Smith are NOTHING BUT DIRTY ROTTEN liars..
If you scroll down further, you will see both John and Nicks comments debating ETS for the negative, then they flipped flopped as we all know!
The Blog Author
Prime Minister
Parliament Buildings
12 May 2011
Dear John
It was with a very heavy heart that I felt obliged to resign my membership of the National Party and to seek the leadership of the ACT Party.
I reached my decision after watching with mounting dismay the performance of your Government.
You made great play of your ambition for New Zealand, and your determination to close the trans-Tasman wage gap and staunch the flow of our best young minds to more successful countries.
Yet you have done almost nothing to fulfill that ambition, and now appear to have given up on that goal.
I have not.
the waiving of interest on student loans, which Bill English rightly called “an election year bribe on an unprecedented scale”
the unaffordable move from subsidizing doctors’ visits for the poor and chronically ill to subsidizing higher earners’ visits as well.
As a result, the Government is borrowing over $300 million a week. That’s $300 added to the debt of every New Zealand family, every week.
You knew the worldwide pattern, as I did – that most employers will not hire teenagers if they’re forced to pay them the same as adults.
Yet in Government, you actually voted against a bill to bring back youth rates. You deprived another 12,000 young people of the chance to get a foot on the job ladder. Instead of allowing them to work for $10 an hour, you consigned them to the dole for $4.50.
Yet in Government, you’ve introduced the world’s first all-sectors, all-gases Emissions Trading Scheme, sending farmers the message to turn wealth-generating farm land into idle forests.
Every informed observer agrees with me on this. Many other developed countries, including Australia, have already bitten the bullet and announced plans to raise the age of eligibility.
Yet you have promised to resign as Prime Minister rather than face up to this need to secure New Zealanders’ future.
This is just as irresponsible as Labour’s interest-free student loans or middle-class welfare. You are condemning older workers to a sudden shock, or younger workers to intolerably high taxes.
You gave an excellent speech just before the 2008 election committing any government which you led to bridging that gap.
After the election, you agreed to set up a Taskforce to advise how best to achieve that goal by 2025. You appointed me as chairman of that Taskforce.
Yet to date, you’ve dismissed virtually every recommendation the Taskforce has made. I’ve asked several times if we could meet and discuss our two reports. Each time you’ve declined to meet me.
From time to time, you’ve reaffirmed your commitment to the goal. But there’s not the slightest sign that you’re taking it seriously.
Now you’ve abolished the Taskforce. And of course, the gap continues to grow.
Most of your voters would have assumed that a National Government would take those policies seriously.
Yet in Government, you have:
retained the privileged position of Maori under various statutes
ratified the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (which even Helen Clark refused to do)
created an unelected Maori Advisory Board for Auckland
created a special Maori advisory committee for the Environmental Protection Authority
made no moves to abolish separate Maori electorates
pushed through the Marine and Coastal Area Bill, despite having pledged to pull the Bill if it did not have broad public support – which it certainly did not.
And, of course, for the Maori Party MPs, for whose support you seem prepared to trade away a vast treasure chest of our nation’s coastal mineral wealth.
Needless to say, honouring some of your commitments would have required courage. Reversing Labour’s immoral election bribes would not have been easy. 5
To be borrowing more than $300 million every week – most of it from foreign lenders – is unconscionable right now. New Zealand’s total overseas debt is already up there with that of Spain and Portugal, and continues to rise.
The electorate gave you a mandate to reverse the excesses of the Labour Government. You had an international environment which demanded firm action.
With ACT’s five MPs, you had a comfortable majority in Parliament. You could have implemented all your pre-election policies.
And so, with deep regret, I felt I had no alternative than to resign my membership of the National Party.
Don Brash