Science has been a whore to the funding

Before you make a judgement on of climate change is man made, you must first examine the balance sheets (funding) of the science departments that proclaim this to be so.

Professors and their departments simple dont get the funding unless they support the view the climate change is man made. We are talking serious bucks here, a professor career is over if he does NOT sync with the political flavor of the University (normaly funded by the Government). Thats it in a nutshell, science is not objectively determined it is pre determined by the funding and resources of the budget allocated to it.

Climate change as been going on for 1000 of years, man has little or nothing to do with it. One volcanic eruption does more to change the climate that man does over a 1000 years.

Quote from Professor Brian J OBrien

…”An Australian professor of physics told him he “completely” supported his concern but had to keep his team of 65 researchers going with work, and “the only funding I can get for them and to get their PhDs is greenhouse funding from Canberra or where ever”….

O’Brien Bio: Australian physicist Professor Brian J O’Brien was closely involved in the Apollo moon missions. Brian O’Brien is a man who has seen and done extraordinary things. He didn’t just teach the NASA astronauts like Buzz Aldrin about upper atoms in space, and what they’d see when they actually reached the moon. He is also responsible for the critical studies into the sticky dust that lies on the moon. This moon dust, caused by the pounding of meteorites, got into just about every part of the Apollo spacecraft. Brian has also been to Antarctica to measure the Aurora Australis, and in his youth managed to survive three days lost and alone in a cave in complete darkness.

NZders face a massive hole of debt

Yes yes we do…

13,000,000,000.00 – Thats $13bn..( I think I have the correct number of zero’s)..

AND we are expected by the UN to send approx $50m for the next 10yrs to their GREEN CLIMATE CHANGE FUND…only $500 million..Hey, isnt that a new Star Ship Hospital !

So what if we dont send a dime…what will happen to us,  our exports


Sure we would get several  negative reviews and ‘sticks and stones’ threats from the tree hugging northern academics say that we are not doing our bit to reduce NZ’s share of 0.000001% of the world carbons…so what ! I would rather have a job than be a slave to the nations debt ( or leave NZ of course).

Sure there maybe the odd supermarket that may not buy our apples in France or Germany, but that’s no reason for every to get NZder to get a ETF TAX ! The apples will be sold to someone ! And that folks is JOHN KEYS and NICK SMITH miss calculation. They think it’s smarter to pay $3 billion of middle class wealth fare each and every year (childcare, working for families, Student loans etc).

Quite, can you here that, a socialist has his Green foot in his mouth !

The real scare behind CO2

The truth…

• Reid Bryson has been considered as “the father of scientific climatology”. He passed away in 2008, aged 88, and one of his observations was: “If you want to be an eminent scientist you have to have grad students and a lot of grants. You can’t get grants unless you say, ‘Oh, global warming, yes, yes, carbon dioxide.'”

Phil Jones is the Director of the CRU and the man at the heart of Climategate. According to one of the documents from his center, between 2000 and 2006 Mr. Jones was the recipient (or co-recipient) of some $19 Million worth of research grants.”
