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This one is great :
Fool: a silly or stupid person; a person who lacks judgment or sense.
Scroll down to watch the selection of climate change videos
This one is great :
Mount Mayon possible massive volcanic eruption 2009/10..
Now hows the ETS or cap and trade going to stop this then…
Source: Foreigners join fight over ‘cows in cubicles’ proposal
…”16 new dairy farms, with up to 17,850 cows in cubicles, in the Omarama and Ohau areas is resulting in a flood of submissions into Environment Canterbury.”..
COMMENTS: Just imagine, 10 years from now, and the international opposition not only objected to the above investment, but insisted that the carbon tax on this type of business carry a extra 5% penalty ( or whatever). NZ sovereignty would be powerless to stop as World Carbon council may threaten to down grade NZ Dairy farms and demand a higher NZ wide carbon tax collection.
Are you the reader thinker far enough into the future on how this all powerful world carbon council could be ??